Monday, September 5, 2011

Quartz-mining behind the mountain

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George Mueller next to the pile, composed of quartz. The raw material must be initiated from the host rock.

There had been fierce resistance in the community Tiefenbach, when it became known that the Passau reduce transport and dredging companies in Ritzing miller quartz want. The mining authorities southern Bavaria, the ultimate authority, approved the venture yet. His argument: The extraction of the mineral resources is in the public interest. Meanwhile, the reduction has been running for over a year - and the emotions seem to have subsided.

"It is understandable that people have been afraid," said George Mueller and his wife Heidi. The two are facing the hall next to the plant entrance and look up at a stately mound. The Millers have the mountain "artificially" built up. "For noise abatement reasons," she said, "we would not have to, but we want the residents are happy."

The wall shields the lean mining area before the other settlement from Ritzing. Only the steep driveway is visible from the street and the houses. It makes a curve and disappears behind the wall. In this way, hidden from view, where the rock is mined and shipped.

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